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Brown Bear cub Finland

Brown Bear Watching in Finland

A night in a Bear hide is an exceptional experience!

Finnature organizes Brown Bear watching and photography tours to selected sites near the Russian border in Finland. These Finnish borderlands are a sanctuary for Brown Bears and their population is the strongest here. There are altogether over 2000 Brown Bears in Finland.

Meet the largest predator in Europe

Brown Bear is the largest predator in Europe. It feeds on anything it can catch, ranging from berries to fish and mammals. Males can grow up to weigh 300 kilos. Despite their big size, Brown Bears are agile and males can travel hundreds of kilometers in a short period of time. Meanwhile, females and cubs stay on smaller territories.


The best Brown Bear watching and photography sites

We have carefully selected the best Bear watching and photography sites in Finland for our tours. Brown Bears are baited in front of the hides with food for amazing views and photography opportunities. Brown Bears spend their winter in hibernation, and start feeding again when they wake up in April. From spring to autumn, Brown Bears visit the viewing sites regularly and empty nights are very uncommon. Sometimes female Bears bring their cubs to these sites as well.

Brown Bears are nocturnal and most active during light summer nights. Therefore, Brown Bear watching takes place during the night. You retreat to the hide in the afternoon and emerge again in the following morning. By staying in a comfortable hide designed for Bear watching, you have the best chances of spotting wild Brown Bears – sometimes just meters away from you! We recommend at least two nights in a hide to enhance your chances to see Brown Bears. At times, Wolverines and even Wolves visit these sites as well.

Contact Finnature office for a quote if you are interested in Brown Bear watching.

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